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Found 6 matches for lonely. Showing results 1-6, best matches first.

1Companion Animals for Horses
I had 6 horses at one time for about 6 years. I am down to one now (just recently) and he is very lonely. I have been told to get a goat, that they cannot tell the difference between each other and he will be happy with the company. ...

2Jealous Horse
I have a 17 yr old horse who apparently is extremely jealous and/or spoiled. We just put down his old buddy and purchased a 5 yr old baby. ...

3Nervousness outside the pasture and cribbing
..I think we have fixed the problem with her not accepting the bit as I had a vet float her teeth (very over-due) and have tried putting molasses on the bit so that now she does better. However, she becomes very nervous when I take her outside the pasture. She side-steps and doesn't want to walk. She looks all around and doesn't listen well to commands. Inside the pasture she rides much better.....

4Lonely horse reflections
...My concern is that she is alone in a 4 acre pasture..I can tell she is hyper aware of noises and she is feeling anxiety being the only one potentially being preyed upon...I am working on adding two horses, but it may take 45 days to get them question is should I take it easy on the training aspect (ground work to build my leadership role...teaching skills) until I create a more secure environment for her? How much will her being alone affect my efforts in training?...

5Lonely horses (equine mourning)
...Now that Jake is gone she is totally alone. Not only does she have to learn to live without him but she has to learn how to be alone. I adopted her from the racetrack so she has never had to live alone. She has never been a people social horse. She has always preferred Jake's company to mine...

6Equine Facilitated Learning & Feeling Helpless
..As I took her out of her stall, she immediately spotted Lauren, walked right to her and began "Nuzzling" this little girl like I have never seen before. Even more shocking was Laurens reaction to my horse. Watching a seemingly emotionally lifeless little girl, gazing out into nowhere, and suddenly breaking into the widest of smiles and laughter shocked us all. ...

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