Home : International Horsemanship Programs : United States
Horsemanship Seminars, Clinics and Resources

While I had grown up with horses, had one since the age of 7 and ran riding programs at large summer camps, it was when I moved to Maui in the late 70's that really kicked my horsy life into high gear. Needing to earn a living, having run out of money to purchase a few acres on Maui's lush N. Shore, I created Adventures On Horseback. This was a real manifistation of a vision/dream. The vision was taking a small group (4-6 folks) out on great horses, along the ocean front cliffs and then up to the rain forest behind my ranch. A stop at waterfalls for swimming and a simple, healthy lunch was next. Finally riding back to the ranch about 4-5 hours later. The intention was not to just make money. My goals were always to inspire, uplift and help people transform in positive ways.
Well, I did it. Adventures On Horseback ran continuously for 25 years. I moved through nearly 30,000 people, 6 at a time, over those years, transformed many lives around 'living their dreams' and had a life most folks could never even dream of.
Roughly 20 years ago I created the first Equine Facilitated Learning Program in the Pacific Basin called The Maui Horse Whisperer Experience. This program continues on today provided by my good friend and associate there, Jill Fairchild. While I am not a full time resident of Maui anymore, I try to return there each year (during part of the winter months) and am available to teach and train there. Please email me if you are interested in more information.
I was invited to visit Colorado in the very early 90's by a terrific lady named Shelley Burke who owned a ranch just outside of Aspen. Shelly had been vacationing on Maui and came to my ranch to say hello. I took her up on the invitation and it changed my life. Once I got to Starry Pines Ranch, I ended up staying there for nearly 7 years, providing seminars in my brand of gentle, effective horsemanship called Training Thru Trust. My base is now Corfu, Greece.
Over the years I have conducted horsemanship seminars and clinics at ranches throughout North America, but most frequently in Ohio, Colorado and Hawaii. If there is enough interest in your area, consider hosting a seminar at a local ranch or farm!
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What people are saying:
...Franklin led them through to an incredible demonstration of bridleless riding, which has got to be the ultimate in communication and trust between horse and human. Neither the horse nor her rider had ever gone bridleless before and to see them cantering round the full arena, turning and stopping with precision was truly amazing; especially when you knew, as I did, that the mare was very well but had not been in an arena for some time. As always happens at some point in one of Franklin’s clinics, that was a real “wow” moment. MORE COMMENTS ABOUT SEMINARS in USA
Horse pictures from Franklin's horsemanship clinics and training sessions in the U.S.
Please note that these are only a small sampling of images. For more, including additional images from the sessions shown below, please visit my Photo Galleries page.