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The Great Dance ~ In Horse Harmony

By Debra Gehrke (host of In Horse Harmony Podcasts)

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This poem was inspired by my time with Franklin and the horses in Colorado

My senses are stirred, my pulse is quickened.
My heart is open, my mind awake, willing to receive.

The message is arriving~I hear the call…
strong as thundering hooves across the valley.

I listen, I wait…I am still, calm, patient, present
willing to connect, I am available and free.

In this moment I sense the essence
crystalline and pure~a mirror of reflection for all.

The desire to feel safe, the need to feel safe
responded to in the gift of Love, Compassion and Trust.

Within the first reflection of all time
the answer is revealed…

Pure energy to pure energy Horse and Human reflect each other
nurtured in Source Consciousness, a multi-sensory knowing
of only Truth, Love and Light.

Horse is here~calling us to listen
to get quiet~to pay attention.

To just BE…to learn to expand our Heart Light
our Love Energy into the greatest, farthest reaching realms.

To live in Truth…in Trust…in Peace…in Love
Dancing the Dance, quietly, calmly, purely aware.

Deeply connected to the pulse of all, as all are ONE.
One breath, one heart, one soul, one LOVE.

Pulsing in rhythm through the journey of life
pulsing ~ in ~ rhythm…

Cantering on with forward thrust
a floating suspension of GRACE manifest.

My heart sings, my soul soars
as I dance the dance.

Connected, ever more deeply
filled with boundless gratitude.

For Horse, for his strength, for her wisdom
for his gentle being, for her eternal grace.

For the message deeply embedded in us all
and for the promise of Hope and Love ever-lasting.

We are safe. We are Loved.
In this moment, in every moment…this is true.

Horse continues to call~asking us to remember…
to see it all in the first reflection, the ONE reflection.

In the Great Dance there is only this…PURE LOVE.
And in Pure Love we find all that we will ever need.

I am still, calm, patient…present
connected ~ I have heard the message.

Great Horse Spirit I thank you, my friend.
I continue to listen ~ I hear your call.

I am open to receive.
I am willing to give.

I am free as I dance the Great Dance
in Harmony with Horse, in Harmony with Life.